Bob Bencks’ contributions to Maine baseball have been largely concentrated at its roots where young boys and girls learn the fundamentals and traditions of the great American pastime, Little League Baseball. Bob has been a coach, administrator, organizer, promoter and fan of Little League in Maine since 1949. His patience and understanding of baseballs fundamentals have started many young players on a love affair with the game. His perseverance and positive attitude have benefited the teams he has managed and the programs he has been associated with.
Bob’s teams in the Cape Elizabeth Little League were always well coached in the fundamentals of baseball. His teams won many league championships during the 1960’s and 70's. A highlight in his coaching career came when his 1965 Cape Elizabeth Ail-Star team captured the Maine State championship; other All-star teams won District championships in 1966 and 69 and were State runner-ups in 1968. In 1976 Bob received the Kenneth C.M. Sills Award as Maine’s outstanding Little League manager.
Bob has also promoted Little League baseball off the field In numerous organizational capacities including league president and Little League District Director. Bob’s efforts helped more children play baseball in Maine by the introduction of the T-ball program and the Big League program of Little League baseball.
Bob’s love of the game has kept him involved in other aspects of baseball as well. For many years he assisted baseball journalist, Leo Cloutier, in promoting the Annual Baseball Dinner in Manchester, New Hampshire. Bob is an active member of the Society of Baseball Research and frequently attends the All-star game and World Series. In 1995 he was Press Host at Oriole Park in Camden Yards for Cal Ripken’s 2131st consecutive game.
Bob’s dedication to youth baseball and his love of the game make him a welcome addition to the MBHOF. Whether he is watching a sandlot game at a Little League field, studying the prospects for the Portland Sea Dogs from his box seats or attending an All-Star game “Baseball Bob” is an extraordinary ambassador for Maine baseball. The license plate on Bob’s car says It all. It is BSEBAL.